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“Is Changing the Way Energy is Stored, Managed, and Delivered”
Corporate Office
- 2141 NW 1st Place, Boca Raton, Florida 33431
- [email protected]
Research Facility
- 11W NW4 Dateland, Arizona 85333
- [email protected]
“Is Changing the Way Energy is Stored, Managed, and Delivered”
EnSynchrony™ is a leader in electricity storage services, and the delivery of green electricity. Our innovative EnSync storage system enables our clients to successfully transition to the electric grid of the future and empowers them to operate more efficiently and cost-effectively.
Our mission is to create a more sustainable world by helping to build the electric grid of the future. We are transforming the way electricity is Stored, Managed, and Delivered by providing Smart Energy Solutions to our clients. Our EnSync Multi-modal Energy Storage System and Proprietary Artificial Intelligence Solutions enable our clients to address their current and future challenges, empowering them to operate more effectively and gain a competitive edge using renewable/intermittent resources.
We believe that we cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them that is why our EnSynchrony approach is recognizably a disruptive technology which provides a superior application to the old systems and creates a state-of-the-art tool for utilities, system operators, transmission companies, wind & solar power generators, consumers, and businesses to optimize the electric grid.
The EnSync Multi-Modal storage facility combines strategically selected storage technologies, including green hydrogen, to profitably store and deliver electricity/power across an interconnected network (the “grid”) to wind & solar power generators, utilities, independent system operators, and transmission companies as well as commercial and industrial consumers in response to a spectrum of ancillary services required by the grid.
Each EnSync facility is designed to provide a strategic response to a stream of ancillary services, including frequency regulation, spinning reserves, resource adequacy, voltage support and black start capability to the grid in timeframes ranging from milliseconds to hours with mutually complementary storage and discharge profiles managed through our proprietary control system. For transmission companies, our EnSync facility will facilitate cost savings through Transmission and Distribution deferral.
In addition to several streams of revenue from ancillary services, the EnSync facility is designed to arbitrage renewable or intermittent power purchased during off-peak loads and sold in deregulated energy markets during higher price periods.
Revenues from Ancillary Services will come from emerging grid demand for both instantaneous frequency response and harmonic mitigation as well as from long-duration power supply needs during weather and other disruptions of service as the grid transitions from large-rotor fossil and nuclear generation to intermittent inverter-supported intermittent renewable resources. Other potential revenue streams will result from new technologies developed in the EnSynchrony research & development facility.
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The EnSync Multi-modal Energy Storage Facility by EnSynchrony provides a reliable, affordable, and instantaneously dispatchable solution in addition to long-duration electric power that supports long-term grid reliability and resiliency.
EnSynchrony provides an important solution for converting the grid from fossil fuel and nuclear power generation to intermittent renewable, carbon-free energy sources.
The EnSync™ Multi-modal Storage System provides a Better Way to Store and Deliver Electric Energy facilitating both instantaneous response and long duration delivery of power and ancillary services.
The EnSync™ Multi-Modal Storage System is a Better Value as our EnSync System is designed to extend battery life, accommodate for a wider range of ancillary services and to reduce curtailments. Further, it also offers generators multiple additional revenue sources turning downside into upside and expanding siting options.
The EnSync™ Multi-modal Storage System enables Better Control through its Artificial Intelligence driven control system with a highly sophisticated controller and state-of-the-art software that provides a more reliable response to the system needs as well as a more responsive control to the grid operator and transmission owner.
The EnSync™ Multi-modal Storage System provides a Better Way to Store and Deliver Electric Energy facilitating both instantaneous response and long duration delivery of power and ancillary services.
The EnSync™ Multi-Modal Storage System is a Better Value as our EnSync System is designed to extend battery life, accommodate for a wider range of ancillary services and to reduce curtailments. Further, it also offers generators multiple additional revenue sources turning downside into upside and expanding siting options.
The EnSync™ Multi-modal Storage System enables Better Control through its Artificial Intelligence driven control system with a highly sophisticated controller and state-of-the-art software that provides a more reliable response to the system needs as well as a more responsive control to the grid operator and transmission owner.
The EnSync™ Multi-modal Storage System permits Better Flexibility and Resiliency that eases the integration of intermittent renewable generators and distributed energy resources into the grid of the future
The EnSync™ Multi-modal Storage System creates a Better Configuration for delivery of ancillary services and the enhancement of grid reliability (24/7/365). Further, the EnSync System can be Configured for many different grid locations, voltages, durations, and alternative responses.
The EnSync™ Multi-modal Storage System permits Better Flexibility and Resiliency that eases the integration of intermittent renewable generators and distributed energy resources into the grid of the future
The EnSync™ Multi-modal Storage System creates a Better Configuration for delivery of ancillary services and the enhancement of grid reliability (24/7/365). Further, the EnSync System can be Configured for many different grid locations, voltages, durations, and alternative responses.
The rapid deployment of low-carbon technologies, such as wind and solar is making it increasingly difficult to forecast generation, creating challenges around grid stability, congestion, planning and volatility.
The growing penetration of distributed energy resources, including renewables and storage, is creating more amateur “prosumers” and increasing distribution grid complexity.
More connected devices and smart sensors create fast decision-making on dynamic and nodal prices, while intelligent control systems and internet-enabled software optimize power plant interaction with the grid.